



Talks about Ethics and Design

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Why ethical digital product design matters for growth product managers and designers.

As digital products continue to shape our daily lives, it’s important that product managers and designers prioritize ethical considerations in their digital product design process. Ethical digital product design involves designing and developing products that not only meet business goals, but also prioritize the well-being of users and society as a whole. In this article, we’ll introduce the concept of ethical digital product design and explain why it matters for digital product managers and designers. Ethical digital product design is a practice that incorporates ethical considerations into the product design and development process. It involves prioritizing ethical principles such as user privacy, security, inclusivity, and user experience to create digital products that are not only effective and profitable but also ethical and responsible.

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Speaking at: Interaction Latin America 2023, CryptoRave 2024, UXConf BR 2024, Congresso de Ensenãnza del Diseño 2024, The Developers Conference SP Summit 2024.

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There are several reasons why ethical digital product design matters for digital product managers and designers. Firstly, it is a matter of social responsibility. Digital products have a profound impact on society, and product managers and designers have a responsibility to ensure that their products do not cause harm or contribute to negative social outcomes. Secondly, ethical digital product design is important for building user trust and engagement. Users are becoming increasingly aware of the ethical implications of digital products, and are more likely to engage with products that prioritize ethical considerations, such as privacy and security. Finally, ethical digital product design is important for mitigating legal and reputational risks. With the increasing focus on data privacy and security, companies that fail to design ethical digital products risk legal action and damage to their brand reputation.